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15 things women do when they are home alone

1. With no one around they love singing loud as they want at all hours and find their voice to be amazing.


2. Wives love to eat all the decadent things in comfort, lying on the bed watching Netflix.

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3. Becoming girly for hours painting nails, plucking eyebrows or pairing a facial mask with wine.

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4. They love to have some lady time with friends, whom they hardly get to see when husbands around.

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5. With husbands in bed, sleeping is restricted and without them, wives just sprawl out or sleep diagonally.

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6. They take shamelessly long showers while singing and also pee while showering, as the toilet seat gets wet.

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7. Sometimes they sneak cigarettes and smoke their guts out, which they had quit after they met their husbands

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8. When husbands not around, wives love to move around the house naked making coffee, vacuuming, watching TV.

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9. They love stalking their exes and old crushes online, laugh at their ugly wives or cry at their hot wives.

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10. They love to go on a date with themselves, watch a chick flick, drive around town, dine out, so they don’t need to cook.

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11. Husbands keep nagging about turning off the lights when they are gone, they leave them all on as she’s alone and scared too.

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12. Watching late night TV,  as they have a hard time sleeping without their husbands.

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13.  Women fart super loud when alone with no one to pass any judgment.

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14. They love to be naked, doing sexy poses and checking out lingerie, inspecting their butts and every inch of their body.

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15. When at home from work they just take off their bra and scratch their bra marks for a good, solid time. 

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Image Source: GIPHY

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10 Completely Normal Things About The Female Body That No One Told You

When it comes to sex education, all we’re told is that sex is ‘Tauba Tauba‘. Instead of warning us about how our bodies will change, we’re told to be wary of men, and how abstinence is our safest bet. Never are we taught about body positivity or how our bodies will change and that’s totally normal when it comes to female bodies.

Thanks to this ignorance early on in life, a lot of women learn to live with unanswered questions, a mind full of doubts and serious self-esteem issues. From having uneven breasts to daily discharge, women often undergo things that are completely normal. But instead of feeling normal, they question their bodies and develop serious body consciousness.

So ladies, here are some things your body does that are totally normal: 

1. You have hair around your nipples.

We have oil glands and hair follicles all over our body, hence, it’s perfectly normal if there are a few hair strands on your nipples. It can happen due to hormonal fluctuations in your body and sometimes, certain medications can hasten this development. But all things considered, it’s totally normal.

Source: RebelCircus

2. Your breasts don’t match.

Oh, wait! You serious? Well, it might surprise you a little, but our bodies are not symmetrical at all. If your right breast is smaller than your left one or vice versa, it’s perfectly normal. If for some beautiful reason, they are symmetrical, then you’ve been blessed with some really good genes, girl.

Source: Zivame

3. Your breasts are saggy.

Source: VeryGoodLight

With age, your skin loses its elasticity. A lot of other factors such as smoking, breastfeeding, and rapid weight loss can also contribute to saggy breasts. But fret not because it’s totally normal.

4. Your vagina smells.

Trust me, it’s okay for your vagina to have a distinct smell. Our vaginas have a natural scent and as long as it does not smell like rotting fish, it’s perfectly fine. When it starts to smell fishy, go to your doctor and get it checked. It might be a nasty infection or it might just be hormones playing around.

Source: Main Street Digest

5. You have vaginal discharge.

A clear, white-ish discharge on a regular basis is actually healthy. It’s our vagina’s way to keep itself clean. However, you should be concerned if the discharge changes colour.

In aspects of cleaning your vagina, it’s always recommended that you use warm water to clean it instead of applying soap. Our vaginas maintain its own pH scale but when it comes in contact with soap, it changes its pH level, making it prone to infections.

Source: Pregistry 


6. Your vagina feels dry.

You’re turned on, but not feeling very wet down there? Fret not, it’s totally normal for some women to be dry at certain points of time. If this problem is keeping you from enjoying sex, you can always ask your partner to use lubricant. If the problem persists and becomes cumbersome, we suggest you see your gynecologist soon.

Source: Astroglide

7. You can hear your vagina fart after sex.

Vaginal farts are more common than you’re made to believe. They are called ‘Queefs’ and they happen for a variety of reasons. Most commonly, they occur when air gets into the vagina and then gets out. If it happens during sex, all you got to do is make your partner aware of it, if they aren’t already. However, if it happens while doing physical exercises or if it bothers you, try practising Kegels.

Source: Beauty Heaven

8. You can feel bumps on your vagina.

Totally normal. The bumps you feel on your vagina are probably the ingrown hair. It happens when you’ve either waxed or shaved recently and the hair starts growing inward. However, always be on the lookout to see if these bumps hurt or not. If they do, it could be a case of folliculitis or some other dermal infection. In that case, you might want to get it checked by a doctor.

Source: Shape Magazine

9. Your labia looks odd.

Thanks to porn, vaginal creams, and other vaginal beautification treatments, we’ve come to believe that our vagina should look a certain way. It should be small, petite and clean with a fine labia. But sadly, that’s not the truth. Every vagina looks and feels different, especially our labium. As opposed to what people might have you believe, having a labia that’s flappy and big is totally normal. If they look disproportionate, it’s still fine. If your labium is small, it’s okay.

Source: Gawker

10. First time sex can be painful.

When you’re having sex for the first time, it is bound to be a little uncomfortable. Your vagina has never experienced anything like it. So it needs a little getting used to, to eventually be comfortable. However, if the pain continues, it’s time you saw your gynecologist.

Source: Glamour

Source: Scoopwhoop

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Obvious Differences Between Men And Women

Look At The Differences Of The Morning Routine

Obvious differences, men, women

 Technically, There Is Still A Difference

Obvious differences, men, women

 A Man Seems Sophisticated and a Woman Seems Naughty

Obvious differences, men, women

Women loves To Carry Everything Whereas Men Keep Only Essentials


Obvious differences, men, women

When Going Through Color Shades

Obvious differences, men, women

 Actually! Funny One!

Obvious differences, men, women

Women Seek Love But Men..

Obvious differences, men, women

Shoutout To All The Gamers Out There

Obvious differences, men, women

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Differences Between Love Marriage & Arranged Marriage

India is a diverse country with very many castes, religions & beliefs and we all fellow Indians respect the beliefs of one another. But when it comes to marriage, the society and its people lose their shit!

Well, it’s not like arranged marriages are extinct, they do take place, a lot of times with or without the consent of bride and groom. But, the 21st generation now has evolved and tends to go for love marriage rather than arranged for obvious reasons. Not denying the fact that our parents and elders mostly still want us to go for an arranged marriage because they have seen a huge number of those marriages getting successful.

Well, ultimately it is one’s own decision but yes, Indian society does emphasize on getting married after a certain age, usually somewhere in the bracket of 22-28.

I’m no one to say which one’s better and which one’s not, but I’ve brought some hilarious posters for you showcasing the very difference between love and arranged marriages.

Sleeping styles

Sleeping styles

We can clearly see what happens initially when two people get married. The difference in the sleeping patterns of the two couples is not hard to analyze.



While, you’ve had a love marriage, the day you don’t feel like eating, you could just order in a pizza and you’d be sorted but if you’re involved in an arranged marriage, you can’t really tell your spouse, without hesitation, that you don’t feel like cooking, they might as well get some food for you.



You could really do whatever you feel like while you’re in a love marriage but in an arranged marriage, you really have to abide by a few rules and regulations of the new family(especially if it’s a joint family) you enter into.



While you newly had an arranged marriage, you’d be expected to more things involving the whole family. But if you’ve had a love marriage, you already know the whole family and therefore, even take your spouse away without hesitating.




Clearly, in an arranged marriage you are too hesitant and shy to say what you’d rather want, out loud. But in a love marriage, you could easily raise your voice since you already are comfortable with their family!

Personal time

Personal time

After entering into an arranged marriage, the in-laws obviously expect their daughter in-law to take responsibilities of the house and you sometimes do not get enough time for yourself. But, in a love marriage, you could easily talk to your in-laws about the responsibilities you could or could not take upon you.



In all honesty, arranged marriage is like a really expensive lottery ticket that you bought with all your life’s savings. If you win, it’d be all rainbows and sunshine but if you lose, you’ll be broke and depressed.

On the other hand, love marriage is comparatively a safe gamble to play, you already know the person you’re going to marry, in and out. Their strengths, weaknesses and nothing really comes as an unwanted surprise.



Well, believe it or not, in a lot of places in our country, dowry system still exists and mostly in arranged marriages. Why do you think people kill their girl child just when they are born or even before they are born? Doesn’t female infanticide and foeticide, ring a bell here in your head?


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You Have No Clue About These 10 Unbelievable Things That Happen Once A Year

When was the last time you got super amazed by nature? Nature is one thing that will surprise you every day. From the stunning sun rises to the breathtaking sunsets, isn’t it amazing that we are surrounded by so many beautiful things?

There are times when nature will just leave you spellbind by its beauty. Take a deep breathe and enjoy god’s most precious gift!

For more, feel free to follow us on Twitter. Also, feel free to add more of the natural phenomenons that occur once in a year in the comments section below.

1. The Creepy Christmas Island Crab Migration

These little red crabs migrate every year from the forests towards the ocean in order to lay their eggs.

They block the roads and create a view that you will never be able to forget!

2. The longest wave in the world Pororoca forms twice in a year and is one of the favorite waves of the people who love surfing.

3. The magical transformation of Bonn street, Germany.

In spring for about a span of twenty days, Bonn street attracts tourists from around the world with this amazing view where cherry blossom covers the entire street.

4. The Stunning Manhattanhenge.

This sight of setting sun aligned with the east-west grid of the streets of Manhattan is worth seeing once in a lifetime.

It looks like nature is aliging with the man-made structures of the world.

It occurs around May 28th and July 12th every year.

5. Perfect illumination at Veterans day memorial

On 11/11 at 11:11, the sun rays lines up just perfectly with the ellipses in the five pillars at the Anthem Veterans Memorial in Arizona.


6. This Santa hat sits on the VLC logo every year during Christmas.

7. The flower known as Selenicereus grandiflorus surprisingly blooms only once in a year for a single night.

It wrinkles up the very next evening!

8. Every year in October along the Mekong river, Thailand glowing Naga fireballs beautifully arise from the water high into the air.

9. On the day of Makar Sakranti at Gavi Gangadhareswara temple, Bangalore, India sun rays fall on the shrine of Shiva Linga in between the horns of Nandi for about an hour.

The shrine of Shiva Linga lies inside the cave while the Nandi lies outside creating an impressive sight.

10. The park at the foothills of Hoschschwab mountains, Austria turns into a super huge pool during 3-4 weeks of Spring.

Submerging all the benches and footpaths of the park, this phenomena occurs due to melting of the snow that increases the water level of the lake.

The beautiful underwater world becomes the favorite place for underwater explorers during spring.

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7 Ultimate Pictures You’ve Never Seen Before Will Make Your Day

You can definitely click a perfect shot but not always, are you agree? But this photographer has nailed it just by clicking at the right moment. And there cannot be so many coincidences.

Here is a collection of 9 most hilarious perfectly timed photos and they will force you to look them twice.

1. OMG, her pouty lips and those monkey’s ass, are they same?

1. OMG, her pouty lips and those monkey's ass, are they same?

2. Unfortunately, the horse got confused. Hahaha…

2. Unfortunately, the horse got confused. Hahaha...

3. The picture speaks volumes.

3. The picture speaks volumes. 

4. Her reaction is as if she got her favourite fruit.

4. Her reaction is as if she got her favourite fruit.


5. OMG! Camel is gonna eat him.

5. OMG! Camel is gonna eat him.

6. They don’t give a shit to what people think, they are happy loving each other.

6. They don't give a shit to what people think, they are happy loving each other.

7. And there he goes madly in love with her hairs.

7. And there he goes madly in love with her hairs.Source:Wittyfeed

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Expectation Vs Reality We All Face

While making a bubble gum.

While making a bubble gum.
Ever tried it?

The realities in movies and real life.

While playing a video game!

While playing a video game!

We all loved those 90s games, don’t we? Usually, girls don’t like to play video games. And in the rare cases, they play they can be good as well.

While wearing a nail polish!

While wearing a nail polish!

Even you can ask it to your girlfriend…

When she wears sunglasses!

When she wears sunglasses!

Well, to summarize they look cute.

When she gets drunk…

When she gets drunk...

Because she is not Angelina Jolie.

When she has sleepovers

When she has sleepovers

Oh, it looks cool.

Girl with long hair…

Girl with long hair...

Dating a long-hair girl looks cool, but its taste can quite bitter.


Reality when she laugh!

Reality when she laugh!

That is why you should never love any girl due to her cute smile on Facebook. Beware from getting trapped.

When she sleeps…

When she sleeps...

Please, accept the reality.

Girls while pouting…

Girls while pouting...

Wow, what a lovely lip! Are you ready for it?

Girls in a party…

Girls in a party...

I never had a such party, never!

Sprinkles… but not at all sexy!

Sprinkles... but not at all sexy!

RIP, Pinterest!

After coloring hair…

After coloring hair...

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Hyderabad drug case: Actress Mumaith Khan appears before SIT

HYDERABAD: Bigg Boss Telugu contestant and actress Mumaith Khan on Thursday morning appeared before the special investigation team (SIT) of the Telangana Prohibition and Excise Department in Hyderabad that is probing a drug racket.

Khan is she eighth person from the Telugu film industry to appear before the SIT, which has summoned 12 persons, including directors and actors, for questioning in the case.

Khan reached Hyderabad SIT office today morning after she was served with a notice by the excise department as part of the ongoing investigation into Tollywood’s involvement in the drug racket.


Earlier excise department director Akun Sabharwal had said that all celebrities who have been served notices in connection with the case must face the inquiry without fail. The actress is already in the elimination list of Big boss show. The actress was in Lonavala, in the Bigg Boss Telugu house. She came to Hyderabad from Pune to appear before the investigation officers.

According to sources, four women excise officials are likely go grill the actress about her likely link with Kelvin gang and her likely involvement in the drugs scandal.

The investigation team comprising an assistant excise superintendent and three CIs are likely to question the actress from 10 am to 5 pm today.

Source- TOI

Interesting Facts About APJ Abdul Kalam Memorial Inaugurated By PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated a memorial dedicated to former president A P J Abdul Kalam at Peikarumbu near Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu on his second death anniversary.

He opened the memorial built in the hometown of the former president at a location where the mortal remains of the “missile man” are buried.

Here are some interesting facts about the memorial:

1. The memorial, build at a cost of 20 crores, blends Mughal and Indian architecture. Its main entrance resembles Delhi’s India gate. The dome reflects the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The main door is a replica of the entrance of the Brihadiswara Temple in Tanjavur, reports NDTV.

2. The memorial was built by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) as a tribute to Kalam, coinciding with his second death anniversary, reports The Hindu.

3. Resembling the arch of the India Gate, the memorial has on display replica of rockets and missiles on which Kalam had worked. There’s even a missile model celebrating his contribution to space science.

4. The second phase of the memorial will have a library, planetarium and auditorium.

5. The total cost of building the memorial is Rs 20 crore and it completed the work in nine months time.

6. A painting of Kalam playing veena steals the limelight in an array of paintings and portraits of the former president.

7. The acrylic paintings were done on Hahnemuhle canvas imported from Germany and using Winsor and Newton colours. The paintings are framed using Korean synthetic museum frames.

8. Two life size silicon statues of Kalam in Presidential suit – in standing and sitting postures are there in

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated a memorial dedicated to former president A P J Abdul Kalam at Peikarumbu near Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu on his second death anniversary.

He opened the memorial built in the hometown of the former president at a location where the mortal remains of the “missile man” are buried.

Here are some interesting facts about the memorial:

1. The memorial, build at a cost of 20 crores, blends Mughal and Indian architecture. Its main entrance resembles Delhi’s India gate. The dome reflects the Rashtrapati Bhavan. The main door is a replica of the entrance of the Brihadiswara Temple in Tanjavur, reports NDTV.

2. The memorial was built by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) as a tribute to Kalam, coinciding with his second death anniversary, reports The Hindu.


3. Resembling the arch of the India Gate, the memorial has on display replica of rockets and missiles on which Kalam had worked. There’s even a missile model celebrating his contribution to space science.

4. The second phase of the memorial will have a library, planetarium and auditorium.

5. The total cost of building the memorial is Rs 20 crore and it completed the work in nine months time.

6. A painting of Kalam playing veena steals the limelight in an array of paintings and portraits of the former president.

7. The acrylic paintings were done on Hahnemuhle canvas imported from Germany and using Winsor and Newton colours. The paintings are framed using Korean synthetic museum frames.

8. Two life size silicon statues of Kalam in Presidential suit – in standing and sitting postures are there in the musuem. The statues have been developed on the lines of wax statues in Madame Tussauds in London.

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Source- Scoopwhoop

the musuem. The statues have been developed on the lines of wax statues in Madame Tussauds in London.

Mini Disney Princess Photoshoot Of 6 Babies Is Taking Internet By Storm

Feeling down today? This photo shoot of mini Disney princesses is sure to cheer you up!

Captured by photographer Karen Marie of Belly Beautiful Portraits, the photos feature six infant girls dressed as the tiniest princesses you’ve ever seen. “Disney princesses have always held a special place in my heart,” Marie told Scary Mommy. “Having two daughters of my own who are now 12 and 10 and not into the princess thing anymore, makes me miss that stage!” With six different princess costumes sewn by Valerie Best of Sew Trendy Accessories, Marie captured each little girl in a special staged setting and the pics look truly magical. Keep on scrolling to check them out and be prepared for a cuteness overload.


Snow White

Ariel, The Little Mermaid

Jasmine, Alladin


Belle, Beauty and the Beast

Aurora, Sleeping Beauty